Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Spiders

2 black pipe cleaners
1 red pipe cleaner
2 feet of black yarn
Step 1.  Take two black pipe cleaners and cut in the middle.  This will make 4 pieces.
Step 2.  Take one red pipe cleaner and cut into fourths.  (You will use one piece per spider.)
Step 3.  Take one piece of red pipe cleaner that has been cut and wrap it around the middle of the 4 pieces of black pipe cleaner.  Make sure it is tight. 
Step 4. After wrapping the red piece around the black pipe cleaners, spread the legs apart. 
Step 5.  Take around 2 feet of black yarn and tie around one of the black pipe cleaner legs. 
Step 6.  Weave the yarn around the legs of the spider.  Weave it in an over and under pattern.  This will make the body of the spider. 
Step 7.  After weaving the yarn, tie it around one of the legs of the spider.
Step 8.  Form your legs how you want, and you have a SPIDER!

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